Thursday, January 20, 2011

She lost an eye.

Several years ago I was having a conversation with someone about how we don't appreciate our teeth.
I tied to explain how important they are.
I pointed out that if we woke up without them, we'd probably miss solid food.
I mentioned how we would lose the ability to pronounce certain words, and more than likely, our faces would change shape.

The person just laughed at me, and said;

"So teeths are our frineds?"
I smirked and said,
"Yeah, teeths are our friends."

I knew she didn't want to hear what I was saying.
I was probably being too heavy for the moment; and if you were to ask her now, she probably wouldn't even remember.

So why do I mention this?

Well, I think if you're going to write, you should take a moment and occasionally count your teeth. This might sound a bit crazy, but I think it's a good way to appreciate the smaller parts of yourself.
Glide you tongue across the enamel and know that one day they will rot from you skull and fall to the ground and be nothing.
Put every part of yourself into your story.

If you can appreciate the finality in punctuation, your storytelling will be good. If you can master it, your humor will be phenomenal.
(I'm still working on the second part.)

Another reason I bring this up is because it deeply ties into what I'm going through right now.
These past few months have been rough for so many reasons.
I've isolated myself from nearly everyone.

When I got back from Seattle, I found out that my cat had an eye infection.
We took her to the vets, I spent a couple weeks rubbing medication into it everyday, three times a day, but eventually it was lost.

Now when she looks at me, I'm reminded of everything mentioned above.